ROLE: Creative, Art Director + photo AD
SITUATION: Launch new bespoke Star Wars product for a May the 4th collaboration with Lucas Films + Disney.
TASK: Concept and design campaign ideas for site, email, social platforms as well as Amazon brand pages while staying within Lucas Films + Disney brand guidelines.
ACTION: I worked closely with an internal Stanley industrial designer to understand the inspiration behind the product and design. I then used that information to conceptualize photographic and design direction for entire campaign. I researched unique spaces to art direct photography that felt in-line with the Star Wars aesthetic. I created digital assets including Brand website, Amazon A+ content for Stanley, email, paid media and organic social while partnering with Lucas Films and Disney to get approval on all stages of the campaign.
RESULT: In one day email brought in a 13K revenue, while site saw 16K visitors with 3 Star Wars products selling out within the first few hours of the launch.